Historic pictures, Students of Technology, first era 1959 - 1980


Marmon at the Helsinki Olympic Stadium, Wappu (1st of May) 1959

Marmon in front of restaurant "Lido" in Helsinki, Wappu (1st of May) 1959. Note the placement of the balloon as letter 'O'!

Marmon in front of the famous "Rantasauna" in Espoo Otaniemi, still Wappu (1st of May) 1959

Still the same Wappu -59. Marmon and a "new" Citroën ID

Marmon in a careful driving competition. Notice the arrow is pointing the flying cone…

Marmon in a Student Campaign, "Teekkaritempaus". Year is 1960

Marmon in its new form, painted and all… Wappu 1965 at restaurant Kaivohuone, Helsinki

Marmon in a pile of junk. This article in a Finnish yellow paper "Ratto" aroused a great concern of the Marmons future among the Students of Technology and so it was hauled to the Espoo Car Museum for the next ten years. That's where we found it…

Marmon    Marmon Suomessa    Marmon ja Mannerheim    Marmonin vaellusvuodet    Marmon ja teekkarit    Entisöinnin alku

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